2024 Gunnison Gut Check

Gunnison, UT

September 11, 2001, is a day that will be remembered as the day that changed all American lives forever. On this day, the United States was viciously and savagely targeted with a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda

The death toll was a staggering 2,977 lives lost, which also included the 19 hijackers. First responders who lost their lives that day totaled 343 firefighters, 58 law enforcement officers, 8 emergency medical technicians, and one fire patrolman. These first responders put their own safety aside as they hurried to assist, and if need be, rescue those who were now in harm's way. At the end of the day, many of the first responders who went to work that morning would never again return home to their families, friends, or loved ones.

 As search and rescue teams toiled through the rubble for missing persons, American citizens watched the events of this fateful day replayed over and over again on television. There was confusion, anger, and sadness as Americans learned of the details surrounding these tragic events and the terrible loss of life.

In the days to follow, America came together, and placing their political and racial differences aside, they became a nation of one mindset determined to remain strong in the face of all adversity. Never were so many American flags displayed both in public and private places. People remembered their God and returned to their places of worship. Patriotism became epidemic in our country and many enlisted in our armed forces just as their fathers and grandfathers had answered the call to defend their lives, their homes, and their families when our beloved America was savagely attacked on another fateful day in history.

 During this time of confusion and uncertainty, many who fought this new war against terrorism paid the ultimate sacrifice. Almost 7,000 of the men and women of our military forces said goodbye to their families for the last time as they went off to war. Mothers and fathers who now mourn sons and daughters, wives and husbands who lost the love of their lives, and finally the children who were left behind without a father or a mother and only a folded flag to hold and a picture to hug.

 To say thank you for your service is the common phrase nowadays, but as the service member replies, “You’re welcome”, they remember the ones who will never come home, the ones that they would call true heroes. We want to acknowledge and remember all of our heroes from WW1 to the present and march together, work together, and help one another while putting aside our differences and coming together as one, and carry in our hearts and minds a remembrance of the hardships endured, the burdens carried, and the amazing love of those who have paid the ultimate price.

 “God bless the United States of America”.

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for any questions please contact:
Justen Mellor 435-201-1854
email: unitedwemarch2018@gmail.com

When & Where

Sep 7, 2024


6:46 AM

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Gunnison, UT

Gunnison CIty Park


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